How to Reheat Chicken

Reheating chicken leftovers can sometimes be a challenge. You want to ensure that the chicken remains juicy and flavorful, without drying it out. Luckily, there are a few methods you can use to achieve the perfect reheated chicken.

How to Reheat Chicken

Key Takeaways:

  • Reheating chicken can be done in various ways, but the best method is using an oven or toaster oven.
  • Wrap the chicken in foil and cook it at a temperature of at least 350°F until it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F.
  • Using a microwave or stove can be quicker, but may not result in the same level of juiciness.
  • Prevent drying out by not overcooking the chicken, adding moisture, and choosing even heat distribution methods.
  • Always ensure the chicken reaches an internal temperature of 165°F before consuming.

The Best Way to Reheat Chicken: Oven or Toaster Oven

When it comes to reheating chicken, one of the best methods to ensure juicy and flavorful results is by using an oven or toaster oven. Not only does this method help prevent drying out, but it also allows for even heat distribution, resulting in a consistently reheated chicken.

To reheat chicken using an oven or toaster oven, follow these simple steps:

  1. Preheat your oven or toaster oven to a temperature of at least 350°F.
  2. Wrap the chicken in foil to help retain its moisture.
  3. Place the wrapped chicken in the oven or toaster oven and let it cook until it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F.
  4. Once the chicken reaches the safe temperature, remove it from the heat and let it rest for a few minutes before serving.

Adding a little bit of water or broth to the foil-wrapped chicken can help keep it moist during the reheating process. However, it’s not necessary, as the chicken will retain its juiciness even without the added moisture.

Using the oven or toaster oven method ensures that the chicken reheats evenly, allowing for a delightful eating experience without the fear of dry or overcooked chicken. With the convenience and control that an oven or toaster oven provides, you can confidently reheat your chicken to perfection every time.

Other Methods to Reheat Chicken: Microwave and Stove

If you’re looking for a quicker method to reheat chicken, you can use a microwave or stove. These methods offer convenience and efficiency, allowing you to enjoy a hot meal in no time.

Microwave Reheating

When using a microwave to reheat chicken, it’s important to follow a few simple steps to ensure the best results. Here’s how:

  1. Place the chicken on a microwave-safe plate.
  2. Cover the chicken with a damp paper towel to help retain moisture during the reheating process.
  3. Cook the chicken in intervals, checking for doneness and flipping or stirring as needed. This helps ensure even reheating.
  4. Make sure the chicken reaches an internal temperature of 165°F before consuming. Use a meat thermometer to check the temperature.

By following these steps, you can quickly and safely reheat your fried chicken in the microwave, making it a convenient option for busy individuals.

Stove Reheating

Using a stove to reheat chicken is another efficient method that yields delicious results. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Heat a non-stick pan over medium to low heat.
  2. Add a small amount of butter or oil, or even broth or water, to prevent the chicken from sticking and to add flavor.
  3. Moving the chicken frequently on the pan helps prevent burning and ensures even reheating. Continuously stirring or flipping the chicken will help distribute the heat evenly.
  4. Check the chicken’s internal temperature with a meat thermometer to ensure it reaches 165°F.

Using the stove to reheat chicken offers the advantage of adding some additional flavor and texture to your meal, making it an enticing option for those who prefer a stovetop-cooked taste.

Comparison Table: Microwave vs. Stove Reheating

Microwave Reheating
  • Quick and convenient
  • Requires minimal effort
  • Potential for uneven reheating
  • May result in slightly less juicy chicken compared to other methods
Stove Reheating
  • Allows for added flavor and texture
  • Suitable for individuals who prefer stovetop-cooked taste
  • Requires more time and attention
  • Possibility of overcooking or burning the chicken if not careful

Both the microwave and stove methods can effectively reheat your chicken, but they do have their pros and cons. Choose the method that best suits your preferences and time constraints.

Tips for Reheating Chicken Without Drying Out

To prevent chicken from drying out when reheating, there are a few tips you can follow. First and foremost, it’s essential to avoid overcooking the chicken. Overcooking can lead to dry and tough meat. To ensure optimal results, use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. Once the chicken reaches 165°F, it is safe to remove it from the heat. This ensures that the chicken is thoroughly reheated without drying it out.

Another helpful tip is to add moisture during the reheating process. This can be done by incorporating a small amount of water or broth. Adding moisture helps to maintain the juiciness of the chicken, preventing it from becoming dry. Simply drizzle a small amount of liquid over the chicken before reheating. This will help to lock in the moisture and keep the chicken tender and flavorful.

When it comes to choosing a reheating method, consider using an oven or toaster oven. These methods tend to distribute heat more evenly, resulting in a more consistent reheating process. By reheating the chicken in an oven or toaster oven, you can help preserve its moisture content and prevent it from drying out.

Summary of Tips:

  • Do not overcook the chicken; use a meat thermometer to check for doneness.
  • Add moisture by drizzling water or broth over the chicken before reheating.
  • Opt for oven or toaster oven reheating for even heat distribution and juicier results.
Reheating MethodMoisture PreservationEven Heat DistributionJuiciness
Oven/Toaster OvenYesYesHigh
StoveDepends on added moistureNoMedium


Reheating chicken is a common dilemma, but with the right method, you can enjoy juicy leftovers every time. The best way to ensure the chicken retains its moisture is by using an oven or toaster oven. These appliances allow for even heat distribution, resulting in delicious reheated chicken. Alternatively, if you’re short on time, the microwave or stove can also be effective options for reheating chicken.

When using the oven or toaster oven, wrap the chicken in foil and cook it at a temperature of at least 350°F until it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F. This ensures the chicken reheats evenly without drying out. On the other hand, when using the microwave, cover the chicken with a damp paper towel and cook it in intervals, checking for doneness and stirring as needed. Reheating on the stove can be done with a small amount of butter or oil, moving the chicken frequently to prevent burning.

Remember to always follow food safety guidelines and confirm that the chicken reaches a safe internal temperature before consuming. Using a meat thermometer can help ensure that the chicken is thoroughly reheated. By employing these tips and methods, you can enjoy delicious reheated chicken without worrying about it drying out.


What is the best way to reheat chicken?

The best way to reheat chicken is by using an oven or toaster oven. Wrap the chicken in foil, place it in the oven or toaster oven, and cook at a temperature of at least 350°F until it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F. This method ensures even reheating and retains the chicken’s juiciness.

Can I use a microwave or stove to reheat chicken?

Yes, you can use a microwave or stove to reheat chicken. When using a microwave, place the chicken on a plate, cover it with a damp paper towel, and cook in intervals, checking for doneness. For the stove, use a non-stick pan with butter, oil, or broth, and heat the chicken on medium to low heat, moving it frequently to prevent burning.

How can I prevent chicken from drying out when reheating?

To prevent chicken from drying out when reheating, make sure not to overcook it. Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature and remove it from the heat once it reaches 165°F. Adding a little bit of moisture like water or broth can also help keep the chicken moist. Using oven or toaster oven reheating methods can also prevent drying out.

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